Increasing Density
This December issue is dedicated to urban density and the architectural solutions needed to achieve it. While we understand the necessity of densification, few are eager to sacrifice their own space – the “not in my backyard” sentiment prevails. Our Documentation section showcases recent projects that successfully implement densification scenarios and enhance the urban space. Building within existing structures clearly presents a significant challenge in densification, with the urban context and the condition of the stock playing pivotal roles. This applies to both expansions and renovations in dense urban environments. In this issue, we are also looking back on 2023. We reflect on places and everyday moments - some familiar and cherished, others surprising and fresh. Wishing you happy holidays and a peaceful New Year. Sandra Hofmeister

Increasing Density
Projects in This Issue
Digital planning, robotic production
Willow Trees of Steel by Peter Haimerl
Two building-high, computer-generated willows of steel cover the transparent new building by Peter Haimerl and add a bit of shine to the market square of the northern Bavarian basket-weaving city of Lichtenfels.
Existing structure halved, space gained
Extension to a House near Paris by Hemaa Architectes
In a residential area near Paris, half of an existing building and an L-shaped addition work together to create an exciting whole.
Five storeys in the back yard
Rooftop Addition in Paris by Java Architecture
On the foundation walls of a dilapidated previous building, Java Architecture have erected a five-storey tower house using wood techniques in the 15th arrondissement of Paris.
Interview with Shigeru Ban
Social Commitment
Shigeru Ban has been providing humanitarian aid in disaster areas since the 1990s by building emergency shelters. The third part of the conversation between Shigeru Ban and Jan Geipel is about the globally active NGO he founded, which also captivates young architects.
Interview with Shigeru Ban
Origin and Attitude
Shigeru Ban's architecture demonstrates a specific feeling for the building task and context as well as courage in dealing with the material. The second part of the conversation with Jan Geipel revolves around what motivates and influences him in his work.
A vibrant city centre
Archive of the Future in Franconia by Peter Haimerl Architektur
With a sculpture of trees and a glass pavilion, the Baroque old town of Lichtenfels has gained a new destination in the city centre.
Vorherige Ausgaben
Further Articles on The Topic
Extravagant densification
Residence near Turin by ElasticoFarm
In Cambiano, a town near Turin, a special sort of treehouse has been created: one with steel supports and an open inner courtyard. The new building uses the roof of the pre-existing neighbouring house as a terrace.
Polycarbonate gables and rendered facades
Civic Centre in Genoa by Dodi Moss and SAB
The newbuild in the working-class district of Cornigliano quotes the gabled roofs of an old confectionary factory in modified form.
Vorherige Ausgaben
Previous Issues
Natural Building Materials 11.2023
In the last decade, timber construction has rapidly gained ground in the building industry. Our current issue documents multi-layered examples of the detailed application of natural building materials.
Windows and Facades 10.2023
Facades have always had many roles to play. They give buildings a face, protect them from the elements, and convey meaning. The examples presented in this issue highlight the merits of thoughtful facades.
Mixed Use 9.2023
We selected exciting projects for our September issue, focussing on mixed use concepts. They include residential and office spaces, sports halls and gastronomic functions and many more within their complex programs.
Saving Space 7/8.2023
Space is a type of resource we bring to light in this summer edition of Detail. Our Documentation section features innovative structures that make clever use of limited space.
Architecture and Climate Protection 6.2023
Anyone asking the inevitable question about climate protection in architecture today will receive not one but many answers.
Truth to Materials 4.2023
Debates about building materials in architecture inevitably mention the term “truth to materials” (known in German as “Materialgerechtigkeit”).
Hotels, Hostels, Guesthouses 3.2023
Few sectors of the economy were so battered during the corona years as the hotel industry.
Taking Stock 1/2.2023
Not only in Germany and Europe but also worldwide, building in existing structures is currently gaining in acceptance and relevance.
Building Envelopes 12.2022
While compiling our personal favourites of the year in the Detail editorial office, I was surprised at the vast scope of projects my colleagues had experienced in 2022. For this issue’s review of the year, they describe their architectural observations in places like Jerusalem, Berlin, and Montagnana, Italy.
Circular Economy 11.2022
If the aim is net zero, demolition and landfill disposal must be avoided at all costs. Today, a progressive architecture is one that takes part in the circular economy and reuses building materials.
Lighting Interiors 10.2022
Our October issue is all about light and interiors. PPAG’s school in Vienna brings daylight into deep cluster spaces to foster daily well-being.
Cultural Buildings 9.2022
In 1997, the Guggenheim Museum opened in Bilbao, and Frank Gehry’s eccentric new building transformed the Basque city into an overnight hotspot for international tourism.
Urban Green 7/8.2022
Especially in big dense cities, roofs and facades are the only places left to make things greener.
Simple and Affordable 6.2022
“Doing away with everything superfluous creates the potential for an architectural quality all of its own,” says Florian Nagler about “simple building” in an interview with Frank Kaltenbach.
Prefabrication Modular Construction 5.2022
Naturstein und Hochlochziegel, Ortbeton und Stampflehm in vorproduzierten Elementen: Für die Massivbauweise kommen viele unterschiedliche Materialien in Frage, und oft ist ihre Anwendung regional motiviert.
Solid Construction 4.2022
Natural stone and perforated bricks, cast-in-place concrete, and rammed earth in prefabricated elements – these are just a few of the diverse materials used in solid construction, and their use is often regionally motivated.
Urban Housing 3.2022
“A villa in the countryside with a large terrace, in front of you the Baltic Sea, Friedrichstrasse behind you …”. Thus begins Kurt Tucholsky’s 1927 poem, “The Ideal”. While Tucholsky’s ideal of urban life might be unattainable in Berlin, there are cities where it has become a reality.