
Arno Lederer on the Münchner Volkstheater

The new Volkstheater in Munich’s Isar suburb is as large as an entire block of houses. It stands in the urban context of a slaughterhouse, the alternative culture scene and brick buildings from the Historicist period. The theatre fits in with all these in both materiality and height. On the other hand, the fly tower is quite different with its airy, light-coloured membrane that is a bit closer to the clouds.

Arno Lederer established his studio in Stuttgart in 1979. In 1985, Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir became a partner in the firm, followed by Marc Oei in 1992. From 1985 until 2014, Arno Lederer held various professorships in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe. He is a member of the design committee for the Dom-Römer Quarter in Frankfurt am Main and a member of the Bavarian State Architecture Commission. Since 2021, he has been operating another office in Berlin with Jórunn Ragnarsdóttir and Sölvi Lederer.

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