Barrel Roof Greening of a Winery

Foto: ZinCo
The building’s architecture helps it blend gently into the landscape. In addition to the green roof, the low building height and the barrel roof shape are the main factors that play a role here. Glass facades on the sides of the building allow for wide, open views. On one side of the roof, the vaulting leads almost to ground level, where large roof recesses even leave room for growing vines. The green roof filters dust, reduces noise and has a temperature balancing effect. It was realised using ZinCo system structures.
While the barrel roof is almost flat at the ridge, it reaches about 20° on one slope side and about 35° on the other where the roof slopes almost to ground level. As the roof pitch increases, so do the shear forces that occur, which must be safely transferred to the roof structure via stable abutments. The roof edge is designed to be sufficiently high and stable, and additional shear sills are also anchored within the roof surface.
The greening structure used is also responsible for the positional stability of the greening. In the lower steep roof area up to 35°, the Green Pitched Roof system structure with Georaster elements was used (on about 140 m²). These interlocking, 54 × 54-cm, 10-cm-high grid elements made of recycled plastic create a stable, extensive composite that can absorb shear forces of up to approx. 800 kg/serial metre and secure the substrate layer. Thanks to the low intrinsic volume, a comparatively large rootable space remains.
The better the plants can grow roots, the lower the risk of erosion. Beneath the Georaster elements lies the BSM 64 irrigation and protection mat. The ZinCo Greened Pitched Roof system structure with Floraset FS 75 was used in all roof areas up to 25° (on around 730 m²). When combined, these drainage elements made of EPS rigid foam also serve to absorb and dissipate the shear forces from the substrate support. The substrate can intermesh very well in the large water storage troughs of the elements, which are around 75 mm high. Floradrain FD 40 elements are attached to the entire ridge area of the barrel roof (on about 1280 m²). Beneath them lies the SSM 45 Protection Mat.
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