
BAU 2019 – The trade fair on a new scale

Foto: Messe München GmbH

According to its organisers, no other trade fair in the world attracts as many planners and architects as BAU. Accounting for 26% of the trade visitors, this latter group is of great relevance for the exhibitors – and for the trade fair itself, which aims to promote and expand the dialogue and network between the disciplines involved in construction. From 14 to 19 January 2019, Munich will once again offer ample opportunity for doing precisely this.

Increased space and new topic clusters
Two new recently-completed halls in the north-east of the exhibition grounds now offer 20,000 m2 more exhibition space, making BAU bigger than ever before in its 55-year history. As usual, architects will be interested in the product shows and new developments in materials, components, construction methods, construction chemistry and energy and air-conditioning technology, which are now spread across 18 exhibition buildings. The increase in space has enabled the partial regrouping of themed areas, including a newly-created cluster dedicated to lighting, daylight and artificial lighting control, building automation and smart-home concepts in Hall C2. Another exhibitor group will be able to lay floor coverings in Hall A6, while everything to do with glass will be in Hall C3. As the largest show of its kind in Europe, Bau-IT will for the first time have a complete hall at its disposal in the new C5 wing. Hall B0 at the west entrance also offers a stage for research institutions, associations and service providers who are promoting developments in the construction industry.

Key themes at BAU 2019
Messe München is setting four focal points for the forthcoming construction industry exhibition.

Digital: Planning and construction
Due to the advancing digitalisation, profound changes are already taking place in planning processes. This no longer only applies to large-scale projects, but also to smaller projects and renovations of old buildings, which rely on cross-disciplinary, networked planning.

Networked: Living and working
Flexible building structures underline and favour the increasing integration of living and working environments.

Integral: Systems and constructions
According to the trade-fair organisers, in order to counter the increasing complexity of construction, architects and engineers have to come together at an early stage in order to be able to carry out detailed and integral planning. The topics of prefabrication, system and modular construction methods also play a role here, with digital planning tools supporting a high degree of individualisation of the prefabricated components.

Smart: Light + Buildings
The topic of artificial light has never before been as extensively covered at BAU as it will be in 2019. In conjunction with daylight, building automation and smart building concepts, this topic cluster represents added value for planners and is therefore considered worthy of special consideration by the organisers.

Supporting programme with participation by DETAIL
Detail is partly responsible for an extensive supporting programme at BAU. In the Forum in Hall A4, renowned architects and industry representatives will discuss their views on current architectural developments on all six trade-fair afternoons. In addition, Hall B0 will contain the "Lab", a special show on prototypes, material and system innovations curated by Detail research. With the Digital Village in Hall C5, newly created by BAU with the participation of Detail, a promising format will be launched in which founders can present their business ideas for digital solutions for the construction industry at the trade fair. As always, Detail will be represented with its own stand at the west entrance.

Photo: Messe München GmbH

Photo: Messe München GmbH

Photo: Messe München GmbH

Photo: Messe München GmbH

Photo: Boris Storz

Photo: Messe München GmbH


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