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DETAIL Prize 2012: Vennesla Library

Nominated for DETAIL Prize 2012:
Vennesla Library, Vennesla, Norway
Helen & Hard AS
Helen & Hard AS
The new library building in Vennesla, Norway, by Helen & Hard AS consists of a library, a café and administrative areas. It functions as an open meeting point and creates a link to the adjacent buildings and city centre. The design idea of an inviting public space has been realised in an open, spacious structure in which functions overlap each other and are only differentiated by means of furniture and other fittings. To this end, the architects developed a rib concept consisting of curved glued wooden ties. As a hybrid structure, each wooden tie performs several functions - as part of the wood construction, technical equipment, conduit for the air-conditioning system or an acoustically effective element, with curved glass as light covers and furnishing in one component. Altogether, 27 curved rib elements define the volume of the library. The shape of the ribs is determined by the integrated functions as well as the height of the two adjacent buildings. Another central aspect of the project is the reduction of energy consumption by means of high-quality solutions in line with the highest technical standards.
DETAIL Prize 2012: Online Reader Voting
The main prize – the DETAIL Prize 2012 – will be picked by an internationally renowned jury, while the winner of the Reader Prize will be chosen by the readers themselves in an online voting procedure specially set up for this purpose.
Choose your favourite project until September 20th!
Further information on DETAIL Prize 2012