Variabel und divers: March Gut über zukünftige Anforderungen an die Architektur

GIF: March Gut
March Gut work at the interface between people and space. On the occasion of our 60th anniversary, Christoph March and Marek Gut ponder how our cities can become more liveable.
When did you first encounter Detail, and what do you associate with our magazine?
We encountered the magazine Detail quite early on, when we were still kids in our fathers’ studios. Both of our fathers are architects, so we grew up in an environment where architecture played a big role. At our homes there was less talk about the neighbours than about the latest building projects: this also explains why we as designers are frequently and openly preoccupied with architectural matters. Not having any reserve towards other disciplines is something that characterizes the design profession. In our projects, we constantly work at the interface between people and space, and between people and technology. In doing so, we take an interdisciplinary, integrative approach that always revolves around users.
Last year we appeared in Detail for the first time ourselves! :) Our Grand Garage project was publicized in the special edition Detail Interiors. For that innovation workshop in the Linz tobacco factory, we developed a comprehensive furniture and interior concept featuring spaces that can easily be adapted to the requirements at hand as well as furniture kits that can simply be adapted by the users and then produced on site. A great degree of modularity and flexibility − combined with durability and conservation of resources − is another central characteristic of our furniture series. In the same way, these requirements can be carried over to architecture. However, over the last 60 years they have unfortunately not always been the highest priority.
What problems will we have to address in the future?
Whenever we elucidate the problems of the present, we clearly see what will be needed in the future. The worldwide pandemic has put personal living space to the test. Apartments are too small, there is too little green space, cities are too hot, distances are too great and connections are poor. The desire for a single-family home in the green is as great as ever. Those who can afford it move away and commute to work in the city. If we don’t make more liveable cities possible, we will not gain control of our prodigal lifestyle. This is where architecture is needed that can adapt and be as particular, variable and diverse as its users are. Rooftop gardens, crossover bridges, add-on balconies, local swimming pools, dance floors etc.: we need variable forms of use and floor plans, prudent architects and designers as well as a fundamental shift of values in politics.
Thank you Detail, for making these projects and people visible. Keep up the good work and all the best on your anniversary!
Christoph March and Marek Gut founded the March Gut design studio in 2010. The two industrial designers work in the field of product and furniture design and also create interiors and exhibition design. Based on in-depth discussions with their clients, they develop concepts that give priority to both the project and the user. Their analytical approach is oriented towards functionality and invites new directions and technologies. March Gut explore sensible ways of dealing with resources and prefer to work with natural materials.